Creative Visualization: The Basics

Creative Visualization is a mental technique in which you use your imagination to help create what you want in life. It is a process of “tricking” the sub-conscious into believing that you have already achieved whatever goal you are working towards. It is a form of meditation.

Creative Visualization is a mental technique in which you use your imagination to help create what you want in life. It is a process of “tricking” the sub-conscious into believing that you have already achieved whatever goal you are working towards. It is a form of meditation.

The field of intention or the sub-conscious mind is incredibly powerful, it is the link to our creative power, and it does not discriminate from our likes or our dislikes, or from the so-called positive or negative, the good or the bad. It just reflects back to us that which we give it without judgment.  Nor can it distinguish from what is “actually” happening and those things imagined. This is what makes creative visualization so effective.

You should keep a couple things in mind when using creative visualization.

1) Put yourself in the picture.

Don’t be looking at the scene from the outside in.

2) Make it as real as possible.

Use all your imagined senses. Touch, taste, smell and “feel” what it would be like to be attaining the goal. For example: Is your goal to have that dream home?

Then imagine yourself interacting in the house, cooking dinner, entertaining, cleaning it etc. Try to capture what it would be like to have the home.

3) Visualize often

At least twice a day*, taking the time to focus on the images and feelings of the experience.

*The last and most important thing to remember about Creative Visualization that it should not be done day after day for long periods of time. The purpose is for you to introduce a new paradigm into the field of intention. It sends out a message to the field that you already have a thing and simply gives you more of that. But, if you visualize the same intention day after day, then it is the only act of visualizing which the field of intention delivers—instead of the thing itself. So once you have reached a place in which you can see the desire clearly and know it is yours—release it. Let it go and it will come back to you.

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